How Can I make a football

I’m trying to make a football gamemode for me and my friends and my only solution right now is using flags.

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The flags would be the easiest and most reliable way, but you can use tag systems and give players an item. But i would use the flags. And welcome to the community!

Welcome to the forums, @Idot! I recommend using flags for it, similar to CTF. Maybe make it so that when someone is tagged in the zone, it transmits to the flag?

That’s how I have it right now I just don’t want to make where you have to go to the opposite end of the map to get the flag

Then place the flag in the middle, like how football starts. And if you need help with the systems of the flags, here is a guide.

Ok Thank you for helping me with this!


Your welcome, let me know if you need any more help and remeber to mark a solution!

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Welcome to the forum, @Idot !

Is it possible to throw, @WolfTechnology ?

No, like items, no its not.

Welcome to the forums, @Idot !
Make sure to check out new-user-must-read and forum-tips

Ah ok.

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