How can I make a dock

I am to make a dock for my fishing game and can’t figure it out

@shinyrowlet help cuz i dont know art

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same cant do art at all

I can, I do art a lot give me like 10 minutes and you should have a decent looking dock.

thanks! this will help alot!

No problem, and i can tell you what to use as well, just so you can make it.

Here’s something Lolo made. You can combine this with WolfTechnology’s dock.


any way you could tell me how to build it?

that is what mine looks like right now, well kind of.

Looking at it, I think you use signs, fences, and wooden poles to create it.


here is the doc, just with no background and here is the list of items used to make it

  • wooden pole x6
    *dark wood sign x4
    *vertical fence x1
    *horizontal fence x4
    Screenshot 2023-09-20 5.37.08 PM
    I made the same doce before i saw @NavyCatZ screenshot, lol
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And a black barrier under the dock for a shadow

will do, thanks.

here is the water I am using

btw this code is now invalid.

shure here it is lol

ok now delete that post

Codes aren’t allowed. Delete it or you might get flagged

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or it will be flagged, and next time post the code on the wix not here.

use wooden signs, poles, and fences. Just line up the signs and put the fences under

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