How big is the GIMKIT creative platforming map?

This is the question I asked myself while thinking about my future DLD map. With this DLD map being probably the most content packed game out there I needed to know the awnser.
So by laying out blocks in a dotted line formation then multiplying the number of blocks by two, I was able to figure out that the map is:

[500 X 500] 64 sized grid spaces large.

I hope this helps when you are planning out your DLD maps, if you are making a large map it’s very important to know what your limits are, especially when it has multiple separate levels.


probally should add “very mini guide” to the title

or just alaborate on this. like, uses and stuff.


Yeah your right, (I’ve notice I make a lot of mini-guides)

Though its not really a guide is it :rofl:

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is this a good idea?


It’s good advice for literally any other guide, but this post is just so the information is out there. However when I make future guides I will definitely keep this in mind when I am struggling to add stuff.


Should I change this to devices?

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Wait I have an idea… :slight_smile:

this needs to be bigger, maybe like the way it works and stuff?



like the size of a single block, the way platformer in Dig it up works, that sort of things.


Added that just before seeing this post :sweat_smile:

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oh :neutral_face:


Maybe go into more descriptive detail like:
Hey there! I recently discovered something pretty interesting about maps, and I thought I’d share it with you. Did you know that figuring out the size of your map can be super helpful? I actually figured out that one of my maps is 500 x 500 by laying out blocks in a dotted line formation and then multiplying the number of blocks by two. This knowledge can really come in handy when you’re trying to plan out how much space you need, or how much you have to work with. So, if you’re ever planning on creating a platformer or some other type of map, it might be worth trying out this little trick to help you figure out how many blocks you have to work with. { Then you can put an image of what it might look like } Maybe it should be longer… :person_shrugging:


no, no, no its fine it just make me chuckle how we both had the same idea.


Thanks, I’ll update the post and use this for ideas. :slight_smile:


This is really useful, but maybe provide some like REALLY in-depth research, like how do props interact with the border, the bottom, like that.

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Hm. I’m guessing this is helpful, but I guess this needs to be in its own guide.
:envelope_with_arrow: Where else would it go?

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Could you be more in depth in what you mean. (I’m not seeing how this relates to the size of the gimkit creative platforming map

Just how the stuff reacts with the border, just change it to interactions AND size.

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