How 2 make (very advanced)

how do i make this:

  • game starts as FFA (done)
  • knocking out a player will put them on your team (done)
  • however, if you’re a follower of someone else’s team, knocking someone makes them go on the team leader’s team
  • there are well-established teams (can be done)
  • knocking the team leader brings everyone on the team onto the other team (edited)

sorry california_love

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i was reading this but why did you put sorry to california_love?

please refrain from making posts that are not relevant to the topic.
like why
why do you care



Actually, I don’t need help with that part anymore!


yay!! you go picreature!!!

i. dont. think. that. is. possible (with the team leader). ust put them on ur team?

For team leader knockouts: Make properties that are equal to their team number. Make this team scope. When this property changes, change the team. When the team leader is knocked, change the property.

@qfw if it’s impossible, prove that it’s impossible.