Host Having Scoring Options

In my RPG, Score is calculated by achievments * coins I would like the game host to be able to choose the type of score between 4 options.

  • Achievments * Coins (You need both)
  • Coins only (Achievments don’t count towards score)
  • Achievments only (Coins don’t count)
  • Achievments + Coins (You can try to get either)

Or should I have only one mode?

Which option
  • Achievement * Coins
  • Achievement
  • Coins
  • Achievement + Coins
0 voters

I don’t think you can change the property used for the leaderboard in-game, so what you put in the leaderboard is permanent for the rest of the game but you could try to create another leaderboard/s using the text device. (blockcode)
In my opinion, I’d prefer Achievements + Coins or Coins Only.


You can’t change the leaderboard property in game but you could change what updates that property somehow


I have one property set as Score, and two others, Achievement# and Coins. Score is currently calculated in the blocks by having Set Property Score; Achievement# * Coins.
The rest would be calculated the same way. How would I switch between the 4 just after pre-game.


Maybe tracking all then using one of them after the host chooses

1 Like

Thank you, I found a way!


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