(horror) Any ideas for the map?

can i come please i wont mess anything up

I have trust issues idk-

on my life i wont bro please

I don’t really want to add anyone in the map I only need ideas but i will give credits.

This has inspired me to make a Doki Doki Gim literature club map. :lollipop:

When your finish and “if” you publish it tell me I would love to try it!

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please i don’t need a shout out please bvgkhvkjh

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Okay I won’t put credit for you if you don’t want it then

so can i come so i can play

I don’t want anyone in my map until the publish I just needed ideas of what to add.

Dude, he said no, drop it.

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ok but 98732436578346258793456983475697843

@Jordan What does that mean you keep spamming it.

i will stop doing that

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Jordan stop.

i am stoping omg you stop

That is not stopping. Stop replying to stop.

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Any ideas for building designs? (I forgot to put it in the title)

what kind?

@Foxy Doesn’t matter just something to make it more interactive.

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