Ignore this topic for now

heres an out of the world theory they are an alt, but so what an alt is an alt and if they get banned won’t they get banned as well because of ip address blocking. And acting as a two diffrent normal players that don’t cross the same patterens as your main is hard, and if you have an alt build a reprutation and then make them vanish till you need them but otherwise no point in owning one you only use them as a backup if something terrible happens to your main account.

Come on…

sorry couldn’t help it

i also have a school computer
they dont check everything
what they do it they have a bunch of keywords, that if someone uses on their computer it comes up as a red flag
so maybe you triggered a key word
but generally they dont check all

words like

and in my schools case they also flag you if you write the word games on a doc or search
you name it

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its not common sense
there are reasons why those words were created
like every other word in the english language
dont like it, dont use it, but i dont have a problem as long as its in the right context
like i would only call someone a really bad swear word if they really deserved it, but i generally swear all the time and its part of who i am, and its just anoter word with assigned meaning
i could call you a butterfly, and you could take offense from that and turn that into a voodoo word
my point is, as long as you know the context, and you can turn swear mode off at the appropriate time, there is no problem with swearing

Yes, but is it really needed on the forums?

Honestly… I think you should stop replying to this topic… it has been solved…

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well nobody swore
i said its ok in the right context

yeah i know but it really annoys me when things like that arent clarifyed

i got hardcore, unblocked, (cuss words can’t list them because ill be banned)

Nevermind, about this post…

Big bold words dont have a greater affect than just normal words


y’d you reply…
Alright y’all no more replies after this

Why did you reply about me replying?

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i’m actually getting cencered about this now. I don’t care if big bold words don’t have a greater effect.

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Also, the rename wasn’t needed.

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No, I can’t. All I can do is flag your post about it because of the language in the image.

In addition, there’s evidence that you advertised this forum on other forums and got banned. You may just be trying to disturb this place even more now. Either way, I think you may deserve what’s coming to you.


sorry about that everyone forgive me but my heart is seriously broken.

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