Hey I have an issue

sorry im not sure if this off topic or not
but my account was banned from gimkit until june 20th. do i have to wait out the ban or… something else?

If you’re banned… You’re banned. You just have to wait it out.

Alright, thanks.
(me sad)

You could reach out to Team Gimkit through their email to see your ban details. But other than that, you’re banned.

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What does it look like? (screenshot it)

i tried signing in and it said
“your acc has been banned until june 20th, 2024”

Can i see that, though?

and please do tho because
Screenshot 2024-04-20 11.02.16 AM

yeah when i was flag i reached out to help@gimkit.com and she un flag me

uh sure brb @FersionSpeedy


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I guess you have to wait it out. It’s not a permanent ban, you just have to wait 6 days (so please don’t appeal and just do something for 5 days)

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i already sent them an email at hello@gimkit.com


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