Hey guys i made a hide and seek map and i dont know what to do in it

help me with ideas for my hide and seek map

Have enlarged props, where players can hide behind, and make sure the players have time to hide.
Also, make sure there’s a popup that announces if you’re the seeker or not.

Maybe add boosts that the hiders can get to avoid the seeker?

make it to where you can find coins around the map so you can buy speed upgrades and does the seeker have a taging mechanic(just recommendations you don’t have to add these)

-Add LOTS of hiding spaces; trees, TV, bookshelves work well.
-Interactivity; add secret buttons around the map that gives you free access to anywhere- ex.a secret room you can hide in forever/
-Tag zone to make the seeker be able to ‘find’ people
-upgrades such as speed upgrades

Welcome to the forums @FNaFguyLP!