Help With Text In Gimkit Creative

How Do I Make The Text That Appears Below A Player And Lists It’s Name?

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That is already there. Their name.

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Or you could use the triggering player’s name block

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No, What Text Is It, Because I Want To Put It Below A Sentry

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But, Can I Make It Have A Specific Name?

jst put a textbox underneath it…
it’s not like the sentry gonna move anywhere


Yea, I Know, But, I Want The Text To Look Like It Is A Player

Just use the guides me and gimsolver posted.

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cant u change the font or smth?
jst look for smth similar
or make the letters out of props or smth

or yknow
look at the guide gimsolver posted

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Okie Dokie Then
:slight_smile:strong text

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