Help with something

How do i make it so when you ran out of golden seeds (by getting knocked out a lot) then they switch to spectator mode?

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Checker that checks for golden seeds and if you have zero, wire it to a team switcher that switches to spectators

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(The seeds) make a lifecycle that triggers when player knocked out, make an item granter for golden seeds that grants -1, wire lifecycle > granter and select when triggered > grant item

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You could also use a counter to keep track of the player’s golden seed count (because they can also update properties), but checkers can be better for sending transmissions. That being said, counters can also have a target value set, so it’s really just up to you to decide which option works best.

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Oh yeah, question: How did you get the promoter badge?

On your profile, there’s an Invites tab (image) that can be used to create an invite link. If you share that with a friend, they can create an account and then use the link to take part in this forum.

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great. i only invited myself. now i gotta use another email.