Help with Some Random Thing

Hello, how do you make a countdown in a game overlay and then when its done make you answer a question? Also, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

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For the auto-questioner system:

Trigger: 60.0 seconds delay, transmit on x channel when triggered, trigger when receive on x channel.
Lifecycle: game start, transmit on x channel when event broadcast.
Questioner: can’t be closed by player, when answered a question correctly, transmit on y channel, close question screen when receive on y channel.

Trigger → questioner

For the overlay system, use a number property to keep track of the countdown time, which shows on the overlay.


can you describe the last part? i’m terrible with propeties

I think you just have a property for the time, and every time it goes down, it sends on a channel the number to the overlay. The property changes by a trigger with blocks and a repeater every second. Is this what you want:

Screen recording 2024-10-31 5.29.44 PM


yep its working. also sorry @NotYoyo I knew you were replying :frowning:

Actually, I want to show you another way to do this, probably easier to understand.

The whole new system setup:

Trigger: 1.0 Delay, trigger when receiving on x channel, when triggered, transmit on x channel.

Lifecycle: Wire (game start) → Trigger (trigger)


  • Name is Timer60Countdown
  • Type is “Number”
  • Default value is 60
  • Player-based update
  • potato (just kidding)

Questioner: Go to all options

  • When answered correctly, transmit on y channel.
  • NOT closable by player
  • Close questioner screen when receiving on y channel


  • Starting value is 60
  • Decrement counter when receiving on x channel
  • Count scope is “Player”
  • Select YES on the Update property and select “Timer60Countdown”
  • Target is 0, when target reached, transmit on channel z
  • Reset counter when receiving on y

Counter (value reached) → Questioner (Open questioner screen)
Questioner (questioner screen opened) → (reset counter)


  • Visibility is Player
  • Text overlay
  • Create a block that runs when receive on x channel:

No, don’t use repeater when you can do the exact same thing with trigger loop.


I did, and it worked, so why wouldn’t I?

Because you can do the exact same thing with trigger loop, with less memory and more options.

Plus, my system could let the players to answer one question per minute, repeatedly.

trigger loop? I’m confused now… I’ve never heard of that. Also, mine wasn’t including the questioner, only clarifying how to do the timer.

Basically, when you let a trigger to transmit on x channel after triggered and let it trigger when receive on x channel, you can make a simple timer depend on your delay.

Your method could work too! But a trigger loop system could save a tons of memory.


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Yeah, I’m not good at efficient, memory-saving solutions. My things work, but I tend to overcomplicate stuff and things like that. Your solution is just better, I have to admit that.

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Screenshot 2024-10-31 2.39.25 PM

Why didn’t you name the property, I could only get mine to work by doing that (it’s probably just me)?

i named it “property” :smiley:

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oh wait now its not working. but I just have to name it.

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