Help With Snowball Royale Map

Before you accuse me of trying to share codes, hear me out. I just need ideas for my map, Snowball Royale. The game is basically players are in a FFA map battling to get the most knockouts. Basically Snowbrawl but in platformer. What items for purchase should I make and such? Thanks for any ideas!


Med kits and shield def for one (un less you have them already)
Maybe boosts? And better tiers for each upgrade, BUT you have to buy the last tier before you can buy the next one


Items to purchase

  • Speed
  • Different Gadget/Rarities
  • Damage Modifier
  • Med kits
  • shield can

Thanks so much guys! I know you won’t be the last people to reply, but I’ll try to implement those. Thanks again!


I would suggest checking out the other guides for power-ups, those are really popular, I’m sure u could find something worthy in all that! :smile:


Sure! I’ll definitely do that, @Toothless ! Thanks for the suggestion

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I would say speed (like @Bardy_2913 mentioned) and also perhaps better upgrades for blasters?? For example, the final item available should be the evil eye so they gradually work up to the final blaster. You would have to make sure that it creates more damage, but has shorter blasts, and, with the evil eye, possibly a longer cooldown so the players without this should be able to attack just as easily. Additionally, you could also create it somehow that they can by more health (permanent) with the knockouts. Have a great time coding!

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