Help With Roblox Doors🦊

I would love to

Bump still haven’t gotten any help

I remember how to randomize. if you read the title post

I say examples of rooms…that I can randomize…not how to randomize them…

can i help make some room?

Hello? Nobody has any room ideas?

i gotchu gimme a minute

@Legobuilder name blurred for privacy: here’s what I got:
Screenshot 2024-08-29 7.23.49 PM

secret rooms

and did you add seek?

choose of the following:

  1. Abandoned Hospital Room
    Description: Flickering lights, rusted beds, and teared up wallpaper. cranberry stains and eerie hospital equipment.
    Scary Element: Shadowy figures that appear and disappear in and out of view.
  2. Creepy Library
    Description: Dimly lit with old, dusty bookshelves. Books that seem to move slightly when you’re not looking. A large, dusty chandelier swaying gently.
    Scary Element:Hidden doors that open unexpectedly.
  3. Abandoned School Classroom
    Description: Broken desks and chairs, chalkboard with cryptic messages or eerie drawings. Torn curtains and a cracked window letting in moonlight.
    Scary Element: flickering lights
  4. Old Mansion Room
    Description: Tons of furniture covered in dust, cobwebs, and large, old portraits with eyes that seem to follow you (for this you can make triggers with an animation to props).
    Scary Element: portraits that change expression when you look away.
  5. Dark Basement
    Description: Low ceiling, exposed pipes, and old, rusted tools. Broken furniture and scattered debris. Low ambient light with occasional bursts of darkness.
    Scary Element: Shadows that seem to move on their own.
  6. Frightening Laboratory
    Description: Strange equipment, flickering lights, and jars with unidentifiable substances. Creepy scientific notes or diagrams scattered around.
    Scary Element: Sudden bursts of electricity or bizarre experiments coming to life.
  7. Eerie Forest Glade
    Description: Overgrown with thick fog, twisted trees, and odd-looking plants. Faint glowing orbs or eyes peering from the darkness.
    Scary Element: sudden rustling in the underbrush, or disorienting fog that makes it hard to see.
  8. Haunted Hotel Room
    Description: faded wallpaper, an old, creaky bed, and a dusty old television. The room feels unusually cold.
    Scary Element: a ghostly figure appearing in the mirror.
  9. Spooky Sewer Tunnel
    Description: Dark, damp, with occasional flickering lights or malfunctioning pipes. Sludge and rats scurrying in the darkness.
    Scary Element: Pipes that burst or strange creatures that emerge from the shadows.

I know doors is mostly in a hotel but I think it would be cool if you expanded on that

if you choose one but you dont know how to create it, ask me

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Alight I’m ending it and reposting it making it more SPECIFIC on what I’m asking for…even though I was extremely specific apparently not enough.

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