Help with randomizing roblox doors

Help with doors…we need to have where the player goes back and forth between two rooms but the amount of rooms inside of it and how those rooms are organized are randomized…it may take a while but I would appreciate any help…post any wording or imagery helpful…this post will remain open for a while so no rush help however you can…

Thanks @Legobuilder and @Doge1!
See ya later! Going to blast some balls later hopefully with wolftech if he can make it on!

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Yes, this will be really useful and we would accept any help possible!

I would like to help, but I don’t know how

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Again even artwork of one room that can be a randomized choice of a room would help!

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maybe each room has all of the possible things in it, but you make a randomizing system for each thing


Thats the idea we just need help with artwork and mechanics! i can do most mechanics but any help with it would be appreciated…

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the art is whats going to make it tricky, so that’s the main thing we need help with.

I could give you artwork ideas

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I just need to know what type of map you’re doing

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btw, the art tag is used for guides

it has the art tag

Its a roblox doors map, so if you could help us make some of the paintings in the game it would be very useful.

I just need a bit of time to work on the concept, then you could format it into barriers

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ok, let us know when you are ready! however, one more thing, please make them use the least amount of memory that you can do.

…or emoji’s

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ok, I’ll start working on them soon

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I gtg, bye!

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black fox, i just read ur info, your help would be liked.

you can make basic randomizer transmitting on channels to other randomizers that will determine where you will go here i’ll add an image in a quick bit

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