Help With Quite Possibility The Weirdest Game 🙏

:neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :neutral_face:

didn’t you read what I just said @Unit_72 ?

just don’t reply anymore.

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“NOBODY ASKED + MY CONTENT IS BETTER” notifications too…

Why does that remind me of the UTTP…

its supposed too, the faction is the uttp

I’m surprised this is still up and people are replying to it, OP left the forum



This is a… weird… game… I LOVE weird things tho! First comment is good, the rizzler class… PERFECT :laughing:

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Amogus. Just Amogus. It hurts me not to say “Among Us,” but seriously. Also, some weird and embossing d3ath messages could be, “You d!ed of not being Alpha Sigma enough,” “You d!ed of Skibidi,” “You d!ed of having negative rizz,” and “you d!ed of grimace shakes.” (That hurt.)

(Please do not flag me)

Oh, and use Gen Alpha and text message spelling.

Another D3ath message: “You d!ed of being Rick Rolled in Ohio.”
(That one may be taken as offensive to people in Ohio)

(Please do not flag me)

Bro its been 16 days X-X
Did you even read the last couple of replys?

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Oh, sorry, I didn’t see that.

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the duolingo thing is real :fire::fire::joy::joy::skull::skull:

I have quite possibly the cringiest, sussiest, and most outright sigma idea of them all:


This class will form allies with other classes (essentially trust in Among Us) and Amogus will yeet knives and d3str0y the other classes.

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@Unit_72 Sorry, I technically copied your post, I didn’t see it before… :sweat_smile:



Add in egg function.

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The guy that made this post left the forums…


Why are you bumping old help topics? That’s necroposting. Also, that image is off-topic.


Nice idea! I like it :smiley:

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Somebody ask the mods to close this. It’s getting out of hand.

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The mods are on vacation or something.

LAST off-topic REPLY.


Agreed. So true. :slight_smile: :grinning: