Help with 'pre-game' game options

The reason I have pre-game in quotes is because I made a somewhat (mostly finished) area where the players spawn and they vote on some of the game rules. But I only thought of 2… if single player mode should be enabled, and should control company (if some of the players should be the monsters) be enabled. So, I need some ideas… The game is mostly based on Lethal Company but is named something different. Basically I need ‘pre game’ options for the players to vote on if they will be enabled or disabled or mutli-select or smt else

wip is only for guides


wip is no longer used and only for guides

Edit: Cellofive already posted oops


can you explain what you need? Your explanation is confussing.

Ok, thanks I didn’t know

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I need ‘pre game’ options for the players to vote on if they will be enabled or disabled or mutli-select or smt else

Do you want different game mode that the player can cote on, for example:
Death match
King of the hill
"Something where you get an item, and you get points the longer you have this item.

just use the voting systems to determine which area the players will spawn in which will enable the functions for that type of style.

Pre-Game Option Ideas:

PvP enabled?
Players respawn?
Players are able to buy more days to meet quota?
Players can be teleported back to ship?
Can buy equipment?
Randomize moons?
Indoor monsters?
Outdoor monsters?
Ship can leave without all players onboard?
Vitals displayed?

(Ideas are based off lethal company)

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I think that they want options for the players to vote on, not the actual voting system…
(Correct me if I’m wrong, that is just what I got from the post)


Yeah, just like that!

Thats why i asked for specifacation.

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(Post deleted by Author)

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you said that you need to see how they would vote, not what to vote on. But that’s how i understood it, no need for an argument.


Okie dokie!
Note: I wasn’t really trying to start an argument btw no harm intended

Your good, I was just saying that so that we would know not to start one, so your fine.


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