Help With NPC Talks And Floor Ideas: Regretavator

I’m asking this as I’m working on Regretavator in gimkit as a sort of side project, while I work on my main one.


You just connect two popups to each other ;-;
EDIT: And connect other functions too

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it would be more complicated, as you would have to detect if there is a certain NPC in the room with another and have multiple conversations that they could have with each other.

Oh, so you’re adding variables to it, huh?
What are the things you want to happen, and what will happen if variables aren’t met true?

What do you mean by conversing? Like conversations?

for example lets say there’s an NPC named Tim, and an NPC named Party Stache, if the 2 are in the same room, they could have multiple conversations in this example we will have just 2, one where they talk about parties, and one where they talk about the endless battle of vortex and echo, if only one of them are in the room, that one NPC will just say random quotes. if there is a one of them are in but there is a NPC that isn’t Party Stache or Tim with them, they will have different conversations

Conversing means engaged in conversation, yes.

I didn’t quite get it, as I was playing Regretavator I know what you want to do, but 1 question, how exactly do you want the conversation to happen?

If I understood you correctly, this can be done with Notification, also, will you need to respond to their conversations? or do they only talk to each other

they only talk to each other no player input, and it would be done with the notification device.

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Thanks Build-pleasse!
But lookie at what we have here.

M1dnight’s Ultimate Guide to Building Effective NPCs - Community Made Guides - Gimkit Creative

I command you to do research before posting a TOPICC!

Problem. Other events before that will have to decide if Tim or Party Stache will show up or not, for example, Tim appearing in a forest floor, and they get lost forever.
Or if Party Stache got too tired of partying and put themselves in a Coffin Dance…
John Henry died of being tired, too.
This game is turning into a make your own story game :rofl:

I would be interested in trying to play Regretavator in gimkit, is there a release date?

most likely when I finish 10 floors. then once I get the gimbucks I’ll publish it and update it weekly if I can.

@Fleet already solved da topic

I just simplified the topic name. This wasn’t my topic, and if Fleet did do research, then something was missing.
I’ve seen you say this to other users as well. If half the time you’re reminding people to search before they post, then try to limit that. I’ve also seen you getting slightly angrier with every post. This could cause problems.
Thank you for listening.

They can see things for themselves. If they didn’t mark anything yet, they need more.

I didn’t, I said how i’d like it to work, I’m asking how you would adapt it for gimkit.

okay dokay
i wasn’t trying to be angry im sorry ):
I’m being serious though, I didn’t want to be angry or anything.

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Have a property which checks the name for which sentry is in the room (None for default) When engaging in conservation, check the value within the property for its value, if it is “Tim” broadcast a channel to a popup for Tim, same with Party Stache.

Are you saying you want variables to control the game, so players would HAVE to grind endings before they get all of them?
That could be annoying, but also a useful play grinder… :smiling_imp:

Regretavator is actually an endless game, these conversations happen between floors, its just something to help the player not get bored while waiting for the next floor.