Help with message

I will try @Tobias7454744745 's idea don’t reply Until I say if it worked or not

Use a notification, make everyone see it, and use a lifecycle listening for “Player Knocked Out”

I’ll try The Idea I said I’ll try (No Rudeness :smiley:)

I want it so (-----Player------- fell off the side of the cliff.)

Sorry I don’t know how to make a different name in notifications :man_shrugging:

@Tobias7454744745 's idea didn’t work how I wanted it

Sorry @Tobias7454744745

Then I don’t know. Signing off!

You can go into the blocks of the notification and put “triggering players name” and then the text you want into a “create text with” block.

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Send Me A ScreenShot Of that @Sythic

[:green_square:] How to Make a Player D3ath Notification: For Beginners - Community Made Guides - Gimkit Creative
this can help. My gimkits down so I cant go in
Edit: @roar how is it outdated??? I used this recently and it worked

This is outdated. Plus I already referenced it

Going Away. Reply Again Tomorrow. :blush:

What is the message on? Popup? Notification?

If you’re using a zone and a damager, the damager should have an option in it to make your own custom death message.

That’s not a notification tho.

All you need is when the player enters the zone → respawn

When receiving on channel respawn → Send notification

Or just use a damager i guess

In a notification device, make a block that looks like this. (For the “When Receiving On Channel” thing just use the same channel or wire that makes the player respawn.)
Make sure under “All Options” the setting “Send Notification To” is set to everybody.

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@roar that works, i’ve done something like that before

@chunky’s idea might work

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