Help with message

So I have this game where you fall off a thing and you respawn, and I need help making a message when they respawn.

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lifecycle listens for “player knocked out”
wire it to a pop-up: “event happened->open popup” and your good!

This needs to be global so nope

Exactly what @wait.what.626Youtube said. However, if it is a laser wire frame the laser to the popup

However you could add a relay that is for all players

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this is a zone not a lazer. Sorry.

player enters zone–>respawn player with a respawn device

I did that but I need to make a global respawn message

Well really the exact same thing but I go an idea:
Player enters zone
Trigger relay
Relay triggered
Show notification

Try that, and reply if it doesn’t work!

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do this and it will transmit the message to all players.

it works, I’ve done the same exact thingy before.

I will try @Tobias7454744745 's idea don’t reply Until I say if it worked or not

Use a notification, make everyone see it, and use a lifecycle listening for “Player Knocked Out”

I’ll try The Idea I said I’ll try (No Rudeness :smiley:)

I want it so (-----Player------- fell off the side of the cliff.)

Sorry I don’t know how to make a different name in notifications :man_shrugging:

@Tobias7454744745 's idea didn’t work how I wanted it

Sorry @Tobias7454744745

Then I don’t know. Signing off!

You can go into the blocks of the notification and put “triggering players name” and then the text you want into a “create text with” block.

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