Help with many vehicles (especially military)

so, i need people who used @BOB2 's guide for the american humvee to help me out here. i’m growing a bit impatient but also confused on his material image cuz it’s too pixelated. if any1 wants to help me live on my gkc i’ll send u a link via email

You could post your code on the wix

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that’s blocked by my school admin using goguardian. i can’t even delete my acc.

Then how about padlet.

again, blocked by my school

oof, um how about using a GDoc for sharing the code and than paste link here

google docs aint blocked, but i’d have to type in ur email address instead of ur legal name cuz the system likes emails over legal names apparently

Padlet is blocked? But padlet’s considered a learning site

not always. started a “war” on there and went down a deep rabbit hole and ended up getting it blocked by the tech admin. but yes it’s blocked

The schools anti-not-school-stuff policy, they don’t want students to play games.
And yes i also have something that blocks websites but this is not one of them…

im just glad they banned twitch and discord tho, had some… horrible experiences there

anything involving gaming is blocked
Schools want us to be more obedient…

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yeah lol. i play games yet i get all A’s and B’s. everyone is on their phones in my high school and the admin like being old school

Lol, im in middle school while your in high school

my high school also has very low education rates. many students in every spanish and geometry periods are failing cuz they don’t give no &^$% about education. only me and a few other kids in the entire building actually give a @$!*.

you do know swear words are allowed (Kindof) Right?

not taking the risk. the forum admin have already flagged and deleted MANY of my posts.

Uh, yall might wanna stay on topic to avoid getting flagged.

oof, well, I also like to live Dangerously

gud point, homie! :+1: