Well then set it to decrement when player is knocked out.
I do put it just stays there.
you just talked about the counter tho.
check pxyelbite padlet
I did and replied. You’re in.
You have to update it with blocks in the code I believe. There, you can set a channel for it to update on. Use the…
Create text with
overlays can track properties
They can? I don’t have time to test it rn.
Using blocks.
no in the overlay’s settings!!!
really? can you give me a screenshot?
oh nvm. i was thinking of something else
im tired s my brain is like meh
so yeah in the overlay blocks
Alright let’s stop messing around:
Grab a property PlayersNum and make it a number.
Grab a lifecycle with player knocked out. Make it send on channel “player knocked out”.
Grab a overlay. Make it text and in the blocks (receive on player knocked out) make it set the property, PlayersNum to get property PlayersNum minus 1. Then make it set text to (make text with) players: & (get property) PlayersNum.
It’s relatively simple, unless you want it for other purposes such as game ending. However there are many guides on game ending and your system could use some help compared to the other guides. I would say use this:
Oops wrong link
just edit your original post
Ok more explaining, the way it works is:
A lifecycle triggers a all-player relay that sends on channel x. Then a counter increments on every channel x that it receives. The counter updates a property. The counter resets after the relay is done triggering. The property will then be used to create the text in the overlay.
w accidental advertising
the reason why it didn’t work is you need to make the property device broadcast on a channel that updates the overlay. e.g.
when property value changes, broadcast on channel: update overlay
overlay —> blocks:
when receiving on channel: update overlay
(the rest is the block code)