Help With Dying Messages!

HI! I need help with doing this certain type of dying message!
So I want it to be instead of (player) couldn’t escape the laser to be like a custom one like (player) tried to fight gravity or something like that!
(also when I say dying I mean d-e-a-t-h!)

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Okay, this needs blocks. Going to explain.

ahhhh never mind im experienced with devices, but kinda new to explaining blocks…

I do know that you need a life cycle and a Notification device
Lifecycle > Detect player knockouts > Transmit on ‘Player Ded (Cause)’

could you just wire a laser (or whatever you are using) to the notification device?

Do you want these messages to be activity logs (bottom right) or something else…?

You’d need blocks to detect the triggering player and put their name in the notification

oh. that makes sense…

There is a way to do this without blocks:
Grab a damager

This is the easiest way to add custom message
You gotta need blocks to make advanced message

Well, if you want the message to come from other sources or be randomized then you’d need blocks

I just want instead of (player) couldn’t escape laser, I want a custom message to appear that’s all!
(and I do want it randomized)

They need to ded on their own

You could make a system similar to this (screenshot from AoMS code)
The laser activates a trigger (with blocks), the blocks choose a random number, and depending on the number, there’s a different message.

Maybe a small zone with the laser inside
Zone > Wire to a Damage counter > Player goes inside > Damage
Damage counter > Damage = 100000 > Ded Message > (Player) got sliced by lasers

I can elaborate if you need

It Works @NotYoyo so should I just wire a notification to it?
(also its a geometry dash based game so it might be hard to make it work with triangles!)

Remember to mark a solution when you find something you needed

Not really. You could just put lasers/zones around the triangles.

I’ll also try this @Build-pleasse!

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Mark a solution when you find a method just fine