Help with doors gamemode

so Im making a roblox doors map, and I need a way to save space while creating a detailed map, Im trying to make all 100 doors, tht may seem impossible, but I have 24 doors already, not including the lobby, and I only take up 19 percent of the memory, I have no wires in the build at all, and I use triggers for unlocked doors to save memory, instead of buttons. Also, is there a way to create raycasting? I need it for two of the entities.

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I’m not sure about raycasting you’d probably have to talk to @Blackhole927 or @Shdwy about that, but for the doors can you give pictures on what you’re doing now?

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sure one second, I gotta open it up

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I really don’t know what raycasting is, but to save memory, what is the other stuff that you’re doing?

raycasting is a type of system that uses a radius for “sight” for a computer generated item.

Im using triggers instead of buttons for unlocked doors, because they take up 10 less memory, Like i said before, there are absolutely no wires in the map, also dont ind the code, i closed out of it already.

I need to know exactly how you are doing the doors because all 100 should only take 6% if it’s just a barrier and trigger.

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Use zones for that. Idk if there’s a circle option. (Maybe that’s only barriers).

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Actualy circular zones were added recently.


a locked door consist of a brown barrier, a button, a vending machine, a text box, a horseshoe, and a a marble sign.
an unlocked door consists of a brown barrier, a text box, and a trigger.
a dupe door consists of a barrier, a text box, a laser, and a trigger.
a normal door (one that isnt an actual door like 001) consists of a brown barrier and a trigger.

The only problem with that is the entities move, and if i used zones, i would have to put a bunch of zones in a row per each entity attack.

anyways i gotta do a test so i wont respond for a bit. im still here

Oh… GKC isn’t very friendly to moving things that aren’t players. You can’t really do that without lots of zones and maxing out memory, at least to my knowledge. I hope you can find one!

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ok, thanks, I will figure something out.

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