Help with characters with barriers and props to make heads for super smash bros stuff
what I have so far
I need characters with names
can you give us some more info about the game
I am making a super smash bros game but I need characters and names for it and the name can’t be like the original
you could use gims and they all have diffrent powers
name: krono
gadget: evil eye (epic)
apility: slow down time
look above because I added guys of what I have so far
does this work?
yeah but what should he look like and what props/barriers should he be made out of @serial_destination_V ?
let me make a barrier art rq
does anybody else have ideas and the art with names?
you should make gimuigi
ok I will. also how is the art coming along for Krono
its almost done
just a pink gim with red shoes (girby)
here he is @kirbb101
have to go offline for a bit so I will be back later
here is what my brother @metal_sonic-1 came up with
is this about art?
if so, please kindly change this topic to the art discussion
its help and art