-Help With Building Maps-

         **I am open to helping anyone build their maps and especially setting up devices**

Just send me a message and we can set something up
-Good Luck!

If you want to help, browse through recent topics in Help. Don’t ask for things to help with.

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Okay i’m sorry


Well, this is conveinent…

I started working on a game today

the games deadline is April 26th…

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Okay what is the game?

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A Chernobyl tribute

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Oh yeah, the one with the very off topic chat…


I like that, I would be available 2024-04-17T20:30:00Z2024-04-17T21:30:00Z


if you’re location is set to Virginia why did you put shanghai timezone…

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Quick question, is someone did want your help, how would they contact you?

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