Help with activity feed block code

Okay so i’m a bit confused, every time i use this block nothing happens. I’ve tried "add activity feed item for everyone - triggering players name, and add activity feed item for everyone - create text with - [text], but nothing happens. Am i doing something wrong?

What triggers the activity feed to show? Maybe it’s not correctly triggering it.
Also can I see your block code?

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Yeah, I think the activity feed is a bit buggy.

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Hm, yeah there seems to be nothing wrong with the block itself, and I haven’t worked with the activity feed block much, but if it is not and issue of triggering the block, then it would be a bug.
I would maybe add another thing doing something else in that block, so you can check that the block is actually triggering, but just the activity feed part isn’t working.


you need to use it with something like a KO manager so it has an action to run from

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