Help w/ Teleporters


I took a break from making my game in July. [1]

Now I am coming back to it.

It is a battle-royal game, and I simply need help getting the players into the arena. I tried and faiIed.

A button should activate the whole system. Once it’s pressed, all players teleport to a different spot in the arena.

  1. and the forums. ↩︎

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Button Pressed --> Relay (All Players)
Relay Run --> Teleport Players.

That’s the part I need help with. Channeling the relay to a lot of teleporters in different spots only teleports you to one.

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Oh. Ok, Then use a trigger, open blocks, make a randomizer, and put the channels in.

Hold on… Lemme try…

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Just to clarify, the trigger is wired in between the relay, and teleporters.

Thanks! This is all what was needed.

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Oh, that picture literally just taught me how to compress a large chunk of blocks down to a tiny piece. Thx!

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Lol I use it for my coordinate system.

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