Help please anyone

does anybody know how to help

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wait so you need a map but when all of team 2 is hit the game ends? What do you mean by “hit”?

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like knocked out?

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yes that is what i need

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Hold on I’ve been offline for like a month now I need to go into Gimkit to remember.


did you try using the guides i’ve sent you?

yes i have but i dont understand

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go to this padlet and post your c0de there

ok i did please help me @Kormorant

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im on

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what do you need to see

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the when you d1e area

no when you are knocked out you are a sectator

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oh woops
uh so where is the team spawn?

follow me please sir

could you give me edit

Guys please talk in game, your getting off topic.

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Here is another guide, much simpler than the last:

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You can always use that search bar for even more guides on this topic Nolan. :slightly_smiling_face:

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