Help on my game

How could you make it so that when you die, you get put into spectator and if everyone dies, game is over?

Edit: how do i also make it so that when the game starts, it counts all the players playing?

Okay here’s what you will need. Lifecycle → team switcher. When player knocked out → switch team to spectator. Create a counter Have it set to target value 0. Make sure that you make it so that when a player gets knocked out that they become spectator and decreases the counter by one. Next create a zone and place a spawn pad underneath have it so that when player enters zone that the counter increases by one. The Ritheked Version of Ending Battle Royales (Difficulty 4/10)
When target value is reached for the counter → end game.


Wait, when i am testing with two players and the game starts, the counter only increases by 1?

Instead, try connecting a lifecycle to a relay then the relay to a counter.

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Yeah do what @NavyCatZ said and make sure that on behalf of all players to update a property or a counter.