Help on an "Mario Kart" style map [Solved]

I’m trying to make my own “GimKart” map. I’'m working on a cart system, but I don’t know how to add the boosters to the players depending on which cart they choose.

Welcome to the forums, @DDerryberry !

You could add a speed modifier. When you push the button to chose your kart, you can have different speeds for it.

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I can help! Just tell me the code to your map and I can come and help you

Ok thanks! (I’m new to the whole gimkit creative thing lol.)

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What is the code, I can help you

No codes are allowed here.

The code to the game is what I mean

that’s exactly what’s not allowed

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Yea no codes.

OK, thank you @Cyan_Tiger_Reigns

sorry I can still help with giving you tips

yep you can get on the wix or email the code to that user if they want.

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No problem!

You can email the code to me at

Put it in your bio.

what do you mean bio

you know what it is you put “I am a gamer” in it

oh okay thanks I will put it

I put my other email in there, it should say

send me the code I have made a mario kart game before