Help Me With Somthing

So I Wanted To Do A Stamina System Where If You Rest Or Stand Still You Get 1 Energy Per second Only If You Dont Move

Have a trigger or wire loop activate every second. It gets the coordinates of the last players position, and checks if it is equal to the current position.

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Well…Do You Need Other Devices???

The coordinate device… But thats all.

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Well what about the not moving thing from above

TADA!! :tada:

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Do you Need to Do Blocks For The Coordinate Device?

If So I Can Handle That Part.

you could do this

1 movement device

inventory item manager

lets do energy bar

max of 1 with IIM, movement devices makes it so it takes it away 1 energy bar if you move. Have checkers constantly check. Do it so if player has energy bar=1 give energy

but make sure you give back their energy bar constantly, like every second. Not too fast, but not too slow

maybe try that out.


can you show me a screen shot?

My Head Is About To loose BrainCells

I can’t right now but basically

we can go step by step, i’ll update it cause I got other pings and notifications

First, place down an inventory item manager and do the energy bar with a max of 1

Then add a movement device for the energy bar. Make it so you get no punishment for running out- or warning

Make it though so every time you run out of energy bars- it sends a signal to a trigger with a delay of 1 second to give a item granter for a energy bar.

Make a wire repeater loop to constantly check for energy bars- if it’s equal to 1, grant your normal energy.

Here is much more in depth- ask someone else for the wire repeater loop- or search it up on the forums. There’s plenty of guides on it.

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Question For The IIM Do You Go To Behavior for The Max of 1?

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maximum amount, 1 (also don’t forget they are energy bars, if you want to use energy you can, but I think it will mess it up

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Like This Now

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Yep, that’s good!

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Is That All? Or Is There More?

Yeah there’s more. Your at about this part now

this much more

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Ok Thanks For The Guide

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No problem! Happy to help!

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SO If It Works Do I Mark A Solution

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