Help me pls idk how 2 make questions work :( ps: im new dont judge me

i am new pls help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Can you explain more?

you take ur questioneer, got o the kit, copy the link, paste it in questioneer. (I’m bad at explaining)

Ok so you’re under the age of 13. I’ll help anyway.

Can you please explain more? “please help me!!!” doesn’t help us helping you since we can’t read minds.


Make sure the kit is set to public, then past the link in the questionnaire device from the search bar including https://

The best response to poor text I’ve ever seen :laughing:

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You just place a questionator down, that’s it. Unless there is something I am missing.

Screenshot 2024-09-21 18.27.20

Hmmmmmmm, I wonder.

Welcome to the forums!

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