Help me make a new multiplayer game! I don't know how to build!

Welcome to the community @GimMaker1 check out the new-user-must-read and beginner-must-read tags. And in the future don’t use so many tags in your post it can get confusing.

idk i wanna kinda make a tycoon upgrades and like a battle game at the same time like the roblox games do

Do you want the players to be able to buy the upgrades with money they get from knocking out enemy players?

Try using the search bar or look through the tags for information and ideas.

Yes, but idk how to build

Oh and be sure never to share game codes/links. You will get flagged because it is against the rules of the forum.

Oh why may i ask is it a wrong thing to do>?

Yes, as it creates clutter and griefers may j0in your game.

oh ok so then i supposed to build it myself?

You can, but if you want to build with other people, go to the wixsite

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i can’t do this site cuz i m on school chromebook

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Oh! Okay. So what do you need help with? The guide that I showed you should cover all the basics.

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Welcome to the community @GimMaker1 Make sure to read the community Guidelines and fill out your Description! And to learn a bit more about the community, check out post and guides that are under the new-user-must-read.

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Welcome to the forum, @GimMaker1! Is there anything else you need help with?

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@GimMaker1 What kinda map do you want to make? I made one recently that’s called Megs world. If you want I can explain how to make one. I find the bigger it is the more people want to explore and play. You could also try adding more money every time you answer a question. :blush:

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Welcome to the forum, @GimMaker1!!!

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@GimMaker1 If you want to make a map from scratch you can use the map creator. And if you want to create a Kit you can sign up for Gimkit and go to your dashboard where you will see HOME, KITS, and play GAME. click kits then go to where it says new kit and start adding questions. Then once u start making ur map you can add a question thinker and it will allow people to answer your questions for a reward if right. Hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face:

This is what it looks like when you try to create a Map.


I believe they were talking about creating a cretive map, not a kit. Just a tip.

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