Help I Need a Broken Boat

So I’m making a game where you have to repair a boat then you can leave but I need something for a broken boat
extra question how should I be able to fix the boat


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Check in the morning it’s 10:00 rn for me

Like a custom prop? If so, I’m up for the challenge!
Is it wooden?

it can be any material as long as it is a broken boat and custom prop is yes


i can make a boat it can be custom or it can be from the gimkit boat

Can it be custom I want it broken pls

Please don’t bump a topic that quickly. You should wait at least 5 days before bumping.

ok i will start right now

OK I saw other people doing it so I thought it was ok

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and a extra question how should I be able to fix the boat

after you do all the tasks you should reveal a button that ¨fixes¨ the boat (in other words just hide the props at the game start)

sure that would work

would this work @leahciM

love how the title is, “help i need a broken boat”
No ideaaaaa… maybe just use what @jaythesweat did