Help, I can't finish the tutorial!

Hello! I can’t finish the tutorial, I just want the blue skin that comes with it, but when I walk up to my questioner, I can’t click on it, for some reason. And, yes, I did add a kit.


are you on mobile or computer?

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metal_sonic-1, I am on computer.


maybe try reloading

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  1. welcome to the community it might get a lil crazy
  2. try resetting the whole thing (it says it only takes 10 minutes)

thanks for the welcome, give me a few minutes to redo the tutorial

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you should be able to walk up to it

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I can walk up to it but I can’t tap on it to answer questions

thats weird can you show us some screen shots?

after 1 second I can’t move, I get stuck in place

i still can’t answer questions

Welcome to the community! (u might wanna change your name cuz u might have other questions but wtvr)

Maybe try restarting the tutorial or take your time on it.
The first time I did the tutorial, I was just trying to get the gim, but because I was speedrunnign I didn’t do it right and I couldn’t finish. restart, take your time, and you’ll probably get it!! :smiley:

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I think you may have set the terrain to wall in order to walk on it you have to set it to floor

Moved this to bugs.
Also either restart or reload please.

You don’t have to put a kit in the questioner setting during GKC tutorial (which might be the reason why you can’t open up the questioner interface since you possibly copied the wrong kit link), the questioner was set on a sample kit by default.


did you press the enter key