Help for making players respawn on respawn pads but not spawn pads

I am confused how to make this topic above. ^

there are no respawn pads but you can use checkpoints. Once activated they will take over and players will instead spawn there instead of the spawn pad.

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I want to make it so there is no checkpoints.

use player respawn or a lifecycle and a teleporter so, when the player is knocked out, they get teleported. You can also make it so when they get knocked out in a certain place, they get respawned into the same island or place by including a zone, I can explain it more if you want! Just comment below!

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I tried that. It did not work.

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a checkpoint is just a device, not something you have to reach in-game. It is essentially a spawn pad that has to be activated to work.

You can have it activate immediately after game start so players will spawn a the spawn pad when game starts and then once respawned they will spawn somewhere different for the rest of the game.


Ok. I will try to see if it works.


What should I use to trigger a trigger.

a button? A life cycle?

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Thanks you for helping me.

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you might want to mark TorontoBulls1’s solution if that’s the one you used.

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It worked. Thanks Seven_Seas and TorontoBulls1 for helping me.

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Ok. Once again thanks.

I hope your map turns out good!

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I will put the link in.

not the live link, and the creative link wont work as well, you can just tell me the title

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You can’t put the link in here. Please use the wixsite if you want to give the live link.

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I can’t put the link in.

yea, use the wixsite
its for sharing stuff


no problem.

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