So, I had an idea: so, whenever a player enters a closet, they get teleported into the closet, and when the player is IN the closet, the timer starts and they only have that amount of time until they get kicked out of the closet. And I’ve got an idea on how to do this: placing a zone in the closet so when the player goes into the closet the zone detects it and starts the timer. But that begs the question: does a teleporter set off a zone?
you could make it so when player telepoted there it starts the timer
Yeah, but the question was if a zone gets activated by a teleport made by a teleporter. But if it doesn’t that is also a good way to do it!
You could do a wire that says if player enter zone, turn on repeater, because you are gonna need a repeater for this, and then the repeater will start decrementing the timer
I think it does, I will test that
There is a 16 zone limit, but alot more then sixteen closets, maybe use a trigger instead? And no a teleporter will not set off a zone or trigger.
True! Also, apparently the community hates repeaters, but I could still do the same thing with a trigger!
OOOOH. Okay. Then would a laser activate after a teleport? Because if I used triggers or anything else it would activate Hide for EVERYBODY
the zone limit is 64 and yes it does work
Yeah, trigger loops work better tbh.
Okay, thanks! That’s all I needed to know. One step closer to the Ultimate Doors Recreation in Gimkit!!!
I one time made animation with teleporters and counters
Hey @LandynSPEEDO802 and @harharharhar83 we could work together to make one big functional Doors map The only problem would be, are you both on the wix?
Yes I am. I wish I could, but if saw I’m working on Project Forums right now sorry :(
I would honestly love too tho
I don’t have the wix, sorry…
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