Help: Enter Button In Gimkit Creative

because the solution doesnt exist, informing someone that something isn’t entirely possible isn’t inherently wrong

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Well, we just found an alternative.

just say it nicely and it is possible

no… it isnt, and i didnt say it rude to begin with, anyway, just don’t reply here w/ the situation because its off-topic from the original post

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Okay, so I’ll teleport them to a spot where the list will be using text.


Oh, last question, how do I make it so when I’m damaging a prop, it doesn’t fade away until it’s actually destroyed?

put a duplicate prop over it with collision off
wire it to the original so that when the prop is destroyed it hides the duplicate

Oops! Sorry. Didn’t mean to steal your answer.

Make a person teleport to a area with text blocks that is the list.

But then when I damage the prop, I might damage the non-damageable one.

Yeah, that’s what we already figured out.

that is why collision is off

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Thank you!

There is a way to do it with popups. You have to add a bunch of invisible characters until it makes a new line

Character v
(‎ )





I kinda thought people knew this but if people don’t someone should make a mini guide on it cause its pretty useful


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