Hello can anyone help me with my game

I need help coding my game so that players can have powers available but don’t have to click the screen. any ideas?

waht type of powers?

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like fireballs invisibility magic flying and speed

that’s all that can be done for now


Not reallypossible if you are doing fireball, but:

Speed : Use speed modifiers
Damage : Damage Multiplier

Flyin and Invis : Not possible.

Some stuff arnt possible. YET!

dont u guys dare give me the “nothings impossible” link


Speed - Use a speed modifier
Teleportation - Use teleporters
Fireballs - Barriers that fly away from the player
Invisibility - Not possible for now
Magic - You can use like damagers to do this
Flying - Not possible for now


you are going to have barriers all over ur map and VERY advanced block code to do this

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how do I get block code?

Triggers have it

this umm


  1. do you know HOW HARD IT IS TO IMPLEMENT that?
    umm, 2, so… this is under the circumstance that linth knows how to:
    block code, animate, spend 158+ hours.

  2. this is not a efficient system, and cost nearly 20% memory for a tiny area.

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block code can be found in triggers.
also, fireballs will be nearly impossible to implement. unless you want to animate EVERY SINGLE COMBONATION (1228800 different combos assuming fireballs move 3 spaces.)

is anyone available to help now?

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Yes I am

Yes, anything else you need?

I need to know how to turn dead players into spectators.

Lifecycle - Player knocked out - Team switcher

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When player koed (use knockout manager) → set player team to spectator using team switcher

Yes. I mixed up lifecycle and player manager. OOPS