Halloween Hunt Help

Block code. Both counters should be connected to properties. It’s a simple setup, so you can either play around in blocks, or just ask. (Hint: it requires two get property blocks and a = logic block.)

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So I’ve given both counters properties to update, but the checker only seems to check between a property and a specific numerical value, and I don’t know where to get to the block coding.

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Use a trigger!

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Cool, so I’ve got the boolean equation done, but is there anything fancy I need to connect it to?

Nevermind I found it.


How do I mark multiple solutions…?

And I think I just about removed this post.

Is the test game allowed to end by itself? I’ve set everything up, but the game doesn’t end when I enter the Treaters lobby when it’s supposed to.

You could make pumpkins scattered ariund you map and an invisible button is in front of them so that when you press it the pumkin is hidden and you get one point.

off topic but you should make your location the VORTEX HQ in your settings.

Welcome to the forum, @RandomVortexGuy!

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Thanks for the idea, but I don’t plan on using scores, but instead times.

Also, I used the echo HQ as a joke. It was based off of one of the first times I played capture the flag, where I put the Vortex flag sticker on the echo flag when I went to grab it.

so maybe instead you make a counter keep track of how many pumpkins are found then when the counter hits lets say ten than the game ends.

What I meant with the location is that if you go to where you change your summary for your profile and scroll down, you can change your location. What I’m suggesting is that you change that setting to the VORTEX HQ.

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Is there an end game placed down?

Yes, it is supposed to respond to a channel message. The problem is the channel message doesn’t send because both counters aren’t set equivalent for the boolean. I believe the problem is the player counter. I think the reset thing is the problem, and I think I just figured out how to fix it. Stand by.

I’ve got just about everything figured out, but I just need to get a math equation that subtracts one from a property value…
But numerical properties aren’t allowed to be put in math operations?

Figured it out, will now be testing.

Use the get property block. Without it, the game just sees it as text.


It still doesn’t register, and the playerCount counter isn’t updating when I leave a zone, despite the zone supposed to send a message when someone leaves the zone.

Are you using the get property block?

I sent that before reading your message.