Guys I need help with a thumbnail please

guys can you guys help with a thumbnail please
Game name: Explore Your New Home!

Gims: stache (as the dad) daisy (as the m0m) Solaria (as you or me) cocoa cup or golden cocoa cup (as the brother)

Gim actions: running into the new home

Setting: family outside running towards there new home

Hand-drawn or Photoshop: please hand-drawn please

if you can make one i would be really grateful!

yeah I will get started rn

thank you so much LOFINIGHT

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This is the 3rd time you’ve made a topic on this. If you need to just bump your other topics do not keep repeating the same topic. Don’t you have enough thumbnails already anyway?

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oh guys and all the other thumbnails i got on this is going on the poll dont worry


wait has this thumbnail already been made before?


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yes he has made 2 other topics with thumbnails from people on them

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how many do you have??

3 in total but here
im grateful for what i get but everyone was making AI and photo shopped ones (and @Kosm0-o i really loved your thumbnail dont get me wrong)
and im sorry @Kosm0-o and @LOFINIGHT

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okay well I’ll still get started

i didnt photoshop or ai at all

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except for the text but does that rly matter?

thank you LOFINIGHT

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@Kosm0-o you up for a challenging thumbnail (maybe?)?

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please don’t post your own topics in other peoples topics js create a new one. and I am on thumbnail break bc of all the requests

(sorry I did not mean to summon)

no no i liked your thats what i said qi really did bc you did what i asked i loved it bro dont get me wrong im sorry if you felt offended


Ah i see sorry <here to fill in 20 charactors>

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we are not aloud to do the summoning thing anymore