Guys, i dunno what just happened

this is @little
my account has just deleted i dunno how
thats why the username on my guide changed
so this is my new account (this sucks that i have to start again, likes and all…)
guys click on this
jeffo told me what happened
its under the lik/dislike stuff thanks


Ohhhhh that’s what happened. Did the moderators tell you anything? Maybe try contacting them.

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Welcome to the community! I’m @ClicClac, and it’s nice to see you back from the dead!


that must suck. dang…


har har har
but seriously, I had so many likes, comments, topics, and a guide
and whatever all that.
im so annoyed
but sweet of ya xx

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that sucks, i wonder what happened

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Maybe send the mods a pm. They might know what happened

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guys i am reposting my guide
i want it to be under my name, not as some random person
no plagarism here!!
thanks @NavyCatZ @ClicClac for sympathising

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and @mysz and @Vortex-Mist
and i cant do so many things
i didnt write all your names in one post, cos it doesnt let me!!!
and i ave to become a member agian!!!
can i stay in gimavengers though, cos all my likes and stuff are on my weirdly deleted account?

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only members can send a pm to moderators right?
ill try tho

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no i don’t think u have to be a member to

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I’m sorry you lost your account @Little


you just go to the slider and then go to more and click groups and you can message the mods from there, u should really ask them


lxmas wants me to send a screenshot too little to explain why she supposedly got banned, is that allowed?


Don’t think so, as lxmas is banned here. You can try, but you might get banned.

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i wont take that risk, i’ll just explain

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i told them
this is so annoying and sucks so bad…
please i wanna see the screenshot @Vortex-Mist
i really wanna get my acc back!!!

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Well that risks him getting banned

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wait wix is lagging i’m trying to see what he said

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“yo little, i mean you can’t do that, i think the mods ban you bc you were mean to Geo, but i didn’t take any side. You’re basically… um breaking the Washington state law.”

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