Guide to Make an Autumn Forest

This is a guide to make an Autumn Forest, also my first guide, but lets get straight into it!

First things first, set the background to the “dry grass”

Then start with placing red trees everywhere

After, place some piles of leaves everywhere

Then for some design, place a small pond (Optional)

Then for some MORE design, place pumpkins everywhere

Then place a bench for decoration

And some firewood for decoration

And there you have it, your own very Autumn Forest

Rate on the scale of 1 to 10, how much you liked this guide

  • 1-This is terrible, it sucks
  • 2-This is Bad
  • 3-This is not the best
  • 4-This could use some work
  • 5-This is mid
  • 6-This is Good
  • 7-This is GOOD, like REALLY good
  • 10- This is the BEST FOREST EVER
0 voters

Bye :smiley:

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Great guide! The pictures were helpful, and it was simple and efficient, so I think it’s okay that it’s on the shorter side.

Thanks for the honest review :slight_smile:

Do you think this would fit best in Art?


Yeah, it would, wait, isn’t this a guideline, why wouldn’t it be in Community Made Guidelines?

Cool guide! I gave it a 4 because maybe it could use some work… maybe enlighten the detailios… but other than that good guide! It really expresses autumn, and I think that it would be art because it doesn’t have any specific devices and all this… complicated stuff… but that is just me. Overall, Coolio guide!

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Nice guide, but it seemed a little repetitive to me, so I’d suggest a bit more autumn features/details and different styles of the red trees, like these:
Screenshot 2024-11-19 6.17.01 PM
Screenshot 2024-11-19 6.17.18 PM

Other than those minor issues, you’re fine!


I would suggest clustering your trees more and using some of the dry trees since they work pretty well in this situation. Try not to be repetitive, switch up the leaf piles, and use trees with different branch structures. The pumpkins were nice but play with their sizes and structures
The pond was a nice touch but make sure to layer your terrain! Don’t forget the small details, it makes the art even better!

There is beauty in organized chaos

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Try using more variation in props.

Rocks? leaves? dry bushes? Add them all in