Guide on Elided Details

Elided Details:

··· This is a test of the elided-classed details

Can I teach more people how to do this?
Edit: Yes.

So here is how:

Line 1: <details class='elided'> Meant to make the details section elided
Line 2: <summary title='name'>&#183;&#183;&#183;</summary> Summary Title. Use name as whatever string you want.
Line 3-N: Any text you want
Final Line: </details> - Meant to close off the details section.


<details class='elided'>
<summary title='Test'>&#183;&#183;&#183;</summary>
This is a test of the elided-classed details

Wow. That is really cool!


Totally didn’t look at the raw of the post


Yes please I’ve been wanting to know how.

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here you go:

<details class='elided'>
<summary title='Test'>&#183;&#183;&#183;</summary>
This is a test of the elided-classed details
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Recategorizing to Community Made Guides forum-beginners as per @Captain-Gim 's poll

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why is a solution marked?


This was originally a help post

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