Guide Ideas For a Technical Pro

my man, how do you think those libraries are made

they don’t magically pop into existence

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Yeah but you just import the necessary functions into gimkit. I actually did that with an ai trained outside of gimkit and imported in, and it worked, so idk lol

As for ideas, uh try making a graphing calculator but better :smiley:

Ooh, yeah, I forgot about the graphing calculator. I need to give that a shot.
It seems really finnicky and tedious but is super cool

question for bh

i found a new qm on trigger mistiming (basically, they don’t run like they say they do)
unfortunately the qm post is unlisted by pharlain
waddya think
should i make a post about it or dm the mods and save it until its unlocked


Could you make a way to compare 4 number properties and output the order from highest to lowest? Like if the four properties were

property1 = 7
property2 = 15
property3 = 4
property4 = 23

It would output 4213

How To Make A Guide, most people don’t know how to do that properly


Just a sort algorithm in block code
(selection sort, insertion sort, quicksort, etc)
The hard part is doing this all in gimkit.

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yeah and the guide wouldn’t be mainly gimkit related. it still is a “idea for a technical pro” but not a “guide idea for a technical pro”

I honestly strongly considered that one, since most guides lack any sort of practical explanation aside from “place property ‘a23x’ then place a button exactly two tiles below it.”
Problem is, I’d get a bunch of flak for it; everyone is sensitive about meta posts because the devs said no to psas a while ago.

Honestly, I might do it anyways. It needs to be said.


i just thought of something, why not create a futuristic trivia game that combines adaptive difficulty, real-time data, and immersive multimedia elements

Sounds like ChatGPT thought of something.
Dude, if you don’t have any ideas you don’t need to post lmao


lol obviously, but how would you make numpy’s functions in gimkit…

wait, that works???

so like a machine that pickes random words scrambles them with letters in-between. its pretty du.mb but you could add a keyboard and code selects a word so you have to find it and type it in.


ytfvhnguikmn,yfgijgmtgbuyjnmjyhiujgythfgjmjlk,yhujhfythngyhfvghb guyjhde5treythgtgujg kjgfygdhngjh5rfrtte5436y6ou7yhol;977uyltgfujgyubjhyhujhuyjdfcytsdcfhgmyikyhujhguyjhujiuejhdctrghfyihjhybuhjgnvjhnm hnkjmguyjhmyhiukj,ijokrftghnthujmnjoegbjhnv tfgvdythggolk,kilk,uhliuktgvgfsrgfbfhntgbghrgf5wsreth.ukl

The word was joe

Show where:

ytfvhnguikmn,yfgijgmtgbuyjnmjyhiujgythfgjmjlk,yhujhfythngyhfvghb guyjhde5treythgtgujg kjgfygdhngjh5rfrtte5436y6ou7yhol;977uyltgfujgyubjhyhujhuyjdfcytsdcfhgmyikyhujhgutyjhujiuejhdctrghfyihjhybuhjgnvjhnm hnkjmguyjhmyhiukj,ijokrftghnthujmn :grinning:joegbjhnv tfgvdythggolk,kilk,uhliuktgvgfsrgfbfhntgbghrgf5wsreth.ukl

You Google what they do then recreate that functionality lol


nvm lol, i thought you said you could import it in

I’m not quite sure if this counts as technical, but this is something that, to my knowledge, no one has made a guide on, and could possibly introduce some revolutionary mechanics to some games. I’ve put aside making a guide on it because I procrastinate/don’t have time to make a guide on it, but if you want to, feel free to do so.

So, the idea. Basically, you use text-ops to create an indexed list. The list is formatted using separators and numbers, which is the index of each item. For example, if I wanted to make a list with red, yellow, and blue, I could format it like this: 1-red.2-yellow.3-blue. Since . and - are not used in the list items, they are suitable separators. This list can do many things; if you need to find the list item at index 2, you could use text ops to get the substring starting at the location of the number 2, to the end, then use text ops to get the substring starting just past the location of the first - separator in the earlier substring and ending just before the location of the first . separator in the earlier substring. You can also use a reversed method to find the first index of any item, add more items, replace an item at an index, etc., allowing this list to do almost anything a list can do in other programming languages. There are a few things that I don’t know how to do without recursion, such as deleting or adding items in the middle of the list, and having a list with numerical items, but these would be great to add to the concept if you figure out how to.

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hasn’t it already been said though? @InkyDarkBird made one and it god arrived, hidden, locked, and started drama.

Blade Ball, to me, is theoretically impossible due to the effort and knowledge needed
Why not try to make:
OR ACTUAL GEOMETRY DASH! (Like you always move and then you need more sprites and gravity needs to change and also only one jump, idk)

By the power of the Instantaneous Bump, I BUMP THIS GUIDE TO THE TOP!

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its been 1 hour calm down

also you could (maybe) make blade ball by getting 8 x 8 arena with 64 zones and 64 ball textures and when you + the ball are in the same place it would respawn you. you could track where the ball and the player is using some clever block code, properties, and the coordinates device. I think that’s how you could do that.

good ideas!

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I like that a lot. I’m gonna go experiment with it and see what I can do.
Great idea!