[guide deleted by author]

Grab a text box and put his emoji in it (:toilet:) then your done.
Screenshot 2024-01-09 083414



Lol, that’s really simple.

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This happened with me, but if you can explain it in one sentence, someone said that you shouldn’t make a guide on this, but that’s a creative way to make a toilet!


not trying to be rude at all, but i feel like these guides aren’t needed. guides are for if someone doesn’t know how to do something, and this is incredibly easy. maybe next time make a toilet using props more creatively.


These guides don’t really seem necessary. I’m not trying to make you feel bad, but this, it’s just one simple, easy step.


Should i just delete it then?
I just thought it would be helpful but i guess not…?

You can’t delete a topic once there are any comments on it.
You can move it to Devices and mark a solution though to close the post.

Also this guide is helpful, but we don’t need short guides with literally just one step.

The only people who would need this are people who don’t read posts and topics because if they did, they would’ve figured out you can put emojis in textboxes.
If they don’t read posts and topics, they wouldn’t see this guide.

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mhm, just don’t make more one-step guides in the future.


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