Guess my new map!

I know this forum is filled with youngsters, but maybe someone will get it. Working on a new map. Can anyone guess what map I am creating?


Cool art! Sadly this is on par with a showcase, which isn’t allowed. Sorry!


It’s been stated that this is off-topic, but some way you could showcase/get more ideas (it’s called constructive criticism but pfft that’s boring) is asking what you could include to the map by adding more deatil.

My Guess

Gothic Horror?

I Can See

  • Vampire
  • Bride Of Frankenstein
  • Frankenstein
Also Off Topic

You made the clue series on discovery, right? It was awesome. ‘Community Picks’ material for sure.

You could also make a guide so you can show the things by describing in detail how you made the figures or how to make a basic one and customize as usual.

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Cool art But is Is off-topic :frowning:

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It’s The Munsters! A 60’s sitcom that came out around the same time as The Addams Family.

Yes, I made that series. Too bad they have never been on community picks.

all these look really cool!

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Cool guide! Sadly it’s off topic, maybe you can change it to a art topic and make it more off a guide.

off-topic, but the 1st one looks like a vampire.

It is a vampire???

That was my second guess! My parent’s used to watch that show and I’ve seen clips.

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It’s the Munsters! Yes, there are 2 vampires on the show.

Can you make it into a guide please? Your art looks really cool :3

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