Greek Mythology Map, Hera, Demeter, Persephone

I finished the wine yard. It is not as good but I can also make a temple

This is the vineyard, the bycile racks but tinted brown and alien plants are the stand and the grapes on the vine are upside down small purple trees.

U used mochi’s gate. Cool.

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What is this world??

Add a chamber for Theseus, Triton, Polyphemus, Orion, Belus, Agenor, Neleus, and Atlas so about 8 small chambers and then make a big one for Poseidon. You can add more than just 1 person to each chamber just don’t add all of them to one. (Poseidon may be the 1 of the only gods on my map with a palace)

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it looks very cool!!


A Temple would be great

This is OLYMPUS just without all of the greek gods having palaces (each has their own area though)

ok that’s really cool hope it goes really well

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I’ve read Percy Jackson 1-5 and 1-5 of heroes of Olympus

if you would @I_Like_Props and @VWOOM are making prototypes
Im open to all suggestions

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yes we were talking about this the other day I’ve read the first but now i’m rereading to catch up before the I read the 2nd
The seventh book the “Triple Headed Goddess” is coming out soon

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theres a 6th!?

The Chalice of the Gods
:trophy: :sunrise: :cloud_with_lightning: :heart_on_fire:

Alright, here is my Dionysus temple/worship area. Mainly for offerings

Nice lots of purple add some more columns around the water and stuff for walls

Oh, well this was just a draft, you can add more stuff. You are using this right? I never do builds for people.

The Power of grapes

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Actually, he is the god of wine. But grapes are what makes wine.

Yes yes I will use as much as possible
Memory’s only at 13 percent so I have a long way to go
Really “The Power of Grapes” dude read a Greek Mythology article, disclaimer its a lot more than the power of grapes
:grapes: :grapes: :greece: :potted_plant:

Guys what should I add to Demeter and Persephone’s section, besides fruit baskets and corn stalks and flowers etc.

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Hay bales, dry leaves, clouds, idk (wip)
Want me to make aphrodite’s place?

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