Gravity on/off w/ speed

If you turn off gravity, go to editing options, then set your speed to 3x, then turn on gravity again, your speed gets sent back to x1 speed. Only when you jump, though. When you walk, it’s fine.


Did you add this to the wiki

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oh yeah i forgot

This is so you can’t do super long jumps.

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What wiki?

No, why would it be fine?

It was here but it got flagged. Stupid spammers.


yeah good point why would it be fine XD

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Because why would we need a wiki to replace the Bugs category? That is pointless.

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I think it was because there are a ton of Platformer bugs, im pretty sure wolftech was just trying to help jeffo out

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If you all still want these platformer bugs to be organized, I’d suggest creating a new tag: “platformer-bugs”. This would be easier to sort through. No wiki needed though.


^^^^ this is actually a great idea. plus then people can sift through posts and see what are bugs or what are mistakes they van help with

Maybe, i don’t want to try to be a mod though. Plus the tag would be super long. Like: “Platformer-beta-bug”

I said “platformer-bug”. The tag has been made anyways (not by me).

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Who created beta-platformer-bug ?

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Gimsolver did I think.


what? I scrolled all the way down to the beta-platformer-bug tag and Gimsolver added the tag.

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It will be totally useless when platforming is not in beta anymore

It should be called platformer bug

I guess then people will know that the bug only existed during beta platformer.